You thinking alight motion is so difficult to edit are you are a beginner in editing this is a common point for facing difficulties in alight motion but alight motion is a best mobile application for motion graphics are Shaker pet or montage editing uses.
You are thinking violin version is best alight motion has a more effects and more options like Adobe after effects Adobe Premiere Pro which is available in PC version they are trying to add some applications or replace add some effects also in mobile application they are trying to make similar type of premiere Pro after effect in mobile so this is the best video editing application for Android device.
You are facing difficulties in editing in alight motion don't worry you not leave alight motion just make trying and you can see some YouTube videos for editing Elite mission just to make same how they are saying you in video just make same do not try any extra same make and you can learn in just two three days.
Alight motion Hava best effects gallery a library in mobile you can use that affect and you can make best video editing mobile like after effects are Adobe Premiere Pro just you can learn Samay pet how to add there and how frequency and magnitude and colours are using how make colour correction and how add Sheikh Apex and how add effects and blinking effects and fade in fade out and Chroma key also you can use luma key all effects are available which is available in PC but some effects are very hard and that is not required for mobile so that affects are not adding by alight motion team.
To alight motion Hawa best effect for smooth running mobile if they have add some additional effects but mobile is have a lagging problem who have a 3GB 2GB RAM because they are not adding after increasing RAM you can use alight motion pro version before that you do not use alight motion latest version because your mobile is be gone hang so stopping that you can use alight motion lower version after your operating your mobile RAM then you can use latest version for more options.
To alight motion is currently on trending on all social media platforms everyone is using alight motion application for making motion graphics and shake effect for 10 video editing and more transaction videos
Beat Mark and shake effect