First you want to download the Book mark project from this site and everytime update your alight motion and now import tue project Package to your alight motion now after importing the project package open the bookmark preset and there you can see bookmark already made bookmarks.
Now add a kriti Image to first bookmark and go to next bookmark and cut right side extra remaining part of kriti shetty image and again click on plus icon and select image and video option and select your image folder ane again add a image and cut extra remaining part loop this process to remaining bookmarks and completely add all images.
After adding the all images now you Click on plus icon and download the effect video from this site or Our mk studio editing telegram channel and you interested in daily editing material also you can join the Mk studio editing telegram channel and after adding that effect overlay video you come to video editing concole of alight motion.
select that overlay layer and click on blending and opacity option and select lighten option and click on screen option. if the video will short you select the video layer and click on copy item option and go to destination where you need the effect video and paste that effect video.
Now you want to download the shake effect preset from this site and import that project to your alight motion and now open the Shake effect preset and select first image and click on effect option and now click on three dots which is preset on below of the left side and now you see copy effects option click on that option.
Now that image all effect are copied now open your current working project and select first image and go to effect option and click on three dots and click on paste effects option. This type you Make repeat process to all remaining image just copy effects and paste effects.
After adding all effects now your video will completely ready now click on share option which is preset on too of the right side and select there Video resolution and video frame rate after adjusting all the values click on export option.
After exporting click on save option and your video will be saved to your device from alight motion. Fir this type Kinemaster , capcut, Vnapp and alight motion editing kindly visit our YouTube channel mk studio editing here available this type more trending video editing thank for reading till end.